At BIRDMIND, we believe in a world where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand to create products that make a difference. We are pioneers in the manufacture of boards by reusing waste from production in other industries, transforming it into long-lasting and environmentally friendly products.
In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, we at BIRDMIND are proud to be leading the change towards more sustainable production. Our boards not only offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials, but they also help to reduce waste and foster the circular economy.
We transform waste from industry into resistant and versatile boards that are ideal for construction and interior design applications.
Our innovative process allows us to turn waste materials into unique boards, bringing a sense of warmth and style to any project.
We use any material previously considered waste to create elegant and eco-friendly boards that capture the essence of nature.
water consumption
We work with local companies to find applications for waste generated in their production systems.
We turn that waste into products that these same companies can incorporate back into their business models.
We manufacture bespoke, easy-to-recycle furniture and decorations for our clients without felling a single tree.
According to the FAO,
hectares of forest disappear every year, an area larger than the whole of Andalusia
Between 2000 and 2013,
of the world’s remaining primary forests were degraded
of greenhouse gases come from deforestation and other land-use changes
Our project was born from the search for new alternatives to help prevent or reduce the impact of deforestation, since only 25% of the world’s total forest area is still primary forest, the rest having been deforested or degraded by human activity.
By choosing our ECOTAB boards, you contribute directly to waste reduction and the
conservation of our natural resources. You are investing in a cleaner and healthier future
for the generations to come.
Discover how our boards can transform your projects into sustainable masterpieces. Join us and contribute to the change towards a better world!
We are here to help you
contact us at
Join us on this exciting journey towards sustainability.
Creating a sustainable future
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha axuda do programa do IGAPE “Galicia Emprende”, cuxo obxectivo é fomentar o desenvolvemento equilibrado do territorio galego e favorecer a creación de emprego a través da creación de empresas por parte de novos emprendedores.
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea Programa operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020.
Conseguir un tecido empresarial máis competitivo.
Unha maneira de facer Europa.
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha axuda do Igape á dixitalización 4.0. O obxectivo principal destas axudas é apoiar a posta en marcha de sistemas cuxa finalidade sexa o soporte de procesos sectoriais multiempresa ou proxectos individuais cara a dixitalización ou conectividade da peme.
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea Programa operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020.
Conseguir un tecido empresarial máis competitivo.
Unha maneira de facer Europa.
Para promover o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico, a innovación e unha investigación de calidade.
Esta operación está financiada pola Xunta de Galicia, a través das axudas concedidas pola Axencia Galega de Innovación, dentro do programa de axudas á empresa Bonos de innovación 2023.
Todos los derechos reservados.